Import of Pets under Baggage
Kindly check your below mentioned applicable category A, B or C (Baggage, DGFT license or Re-import respectively) and submit documents as below.
A. Baggage Rule - Custom Circular No. 15/2013 dated 8.4.13
- Proof of two years of stay abroad.
- Proof of transferring residence to India
LIVESTOCK (IMPORT of pet under baggage rule for owners -Dog/Cat upto 2 number) DOG and CAT
Accompanied Baggage: Ticket of the owner.
Unaccompanied Baggage: Within 1 month after arrival of owner- copy of Pass Port along with immigration stamp.
Requirement of advance Custom permission: For owners sending the pet more than 1 month after their arrival or before arrival.
For all above: Required- Visa copy/other document to establish continuous stay abroad for at least two years with proof of transferring the residence to India. In case of doubt/procedural requirement advance Custom Permission may be asked to consider the pet under Baggage rule. -
Dog: The official health certificate from the country of origin certifying that the dog is free from clinical sign and symptoms of all infectious and contagious diseases including Rabies, Canine Distemper, Parvo virus infection, Leptospirosis etc.
Cat: The official health certificate from the country of origin certifying that the cat is free from clinical sign and symptoms of all infectious and contagious diseases including Rabies, Distemper, Feline enteritis, Feline panleukopenia, leptospirosis etc. - The dog (three months of age and older) and Cat must be vaccinated against Rabies more than one month, but within 12 months prior to actual embarkation and all details shall be officially certified or mentioned in the official Health certificate. Also all other vaccination record/detail shall be officially certified or mentioned in the official Health Certificate.
- The name of owner in the official health certificate must match with the name as mentioned in the ticket of owner to establish ownership.
- The name and address of the owner in the country of origin and in the country of arrival (import) must be mentioned on the health certificate.
- The declaration from the owner that the dog/cat is bonafide pet with no commercial interest, gift and breeding purpose.
- No additional feed, bedding etc. be allowed during the journey.
- Copy of airway bill/journey details of pet/Bill of entry with custom (If coming under cargo.
- Any other document if required during examination of application.
- Authorization letter if owner is not approaching directly.
B. DGFT (Directorate General of Foreign Trade) License : (for short visits, R&D, Defence, Police and other than baggage rule)
- If you are not coming under baggage rule as per above requirement than apply for DGFT licence. Contact: Fulfill all the requirements under License accordingly before you apply for AQCS NOC. All the Pre-Import health conditions issued with license including tests etc. must be fulfilled under Official Certification.
C. Re-Import: (Custom Circular No. 25/2013)
- If the animal has been taken from India in the past. Proof of past certification from Government authority preferably AQCS is required for identity of animal and considering under Re-import category. (Requirement: Proof of earlier movement of said animal with old health documents of India+ Official health certificate with vaccination details from country of origin+ Ticket of the owner)
- Advance NOC can be issued within 7 days before arrival based on the self certified advance copies of all above documents. Original Health certificate will be retained by AQCS at the time of examination of pet and issue of Provisional clearance after arrival. In case of doubt animal may be kept under Quarantine Observation. Final clearance will be issued after 30 days.
NOTE! All Notifications, Rules, Orders and Procedures are subject to change any time. All decisions will be taken as per the applicable Notifications, Rules, Orders and Procedures at the time of actual filling of application.