Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Ans.) Department- Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry- Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying.
Ans.) Six: New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad.
Ans.) Please refer Contacts.
Ans.) AQCS works on Single Day Decision Policy (SDDP).
Ans.) Advance AQCS NOC is issued for lifting of livestock by airlines after checking the advance copies of health documents.
Ans.) Please referImport Export of Livestock and Livestock ProductsThe Notification No. S.O. 1495(E) and 1496(E) dated 10.06.2014 should be checked.
Ans.) Dog and cat.
Ans.) Please refer Custom circular 15/2013 and 25/2013.
Ans.) Advance DGFT license is required for the livestock not covered under Custom circular 15/2013 and 25/2013.
Ans.) Yes, please refer Import Export of Livestock and Livestock Products for the documents required. Advance NOC if not presented to the airlines, the pet will not be allowed to board the flight.
Ans.) Except for import of pets under baggage, all animals are quarantined. Pets under baggage can also be quarantined in case of doubt.
Ans.) Please submit the changed plan documents and a revised NOC will be issued provided the official health certificate form the country of origin is still valid as per changed plans. If the certificate is not valid then you need to get a new health certificate and submit the same for revised NOC.
Ans.) Pet animals can enter India through the ports of Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore and Hyderabad. After arrival owner needs to bring the animal/(s) along with the original health documents to the Quarantine Station after arrival for clinical examination/quarantine observation as the case may be. The animal/(s) will be examined clinically at the Quarantine Station for issuing Provisional Quarantine Clearance Certificate.
Ans.) No you cannot bring any other animals (parrot, hamster, rabbit, fish etc.) apart from dog and cat under baggage rule. For any other animals you need to get a DGFT license for which you can apply at
Ans.) When going on a short trip, AQCS export health certificate should be taken. Pet when entering India will be treated as re-import. Please check the guidelines for re-import atImport Export of Livestock and Livestock Products.
Ans.) Please referAccommodation charges
Ans.) When taking a pet abroad form India, it is necessary to check the health conditions of importing country including testing, quarantine etc. Owner is therefore requested to please check in advance and prepare the necessary documents according to those conditions of entry. Micro-chipping of the animal is also advised keeping in view identification at destination and re-import identification. AQCS, India will help you complete those documents as per requirement. Please refer Import Export of Livestock and Livestock Products
Ans.) This is a certificate issued by AQCS called as “CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH FOR EXPORT (PET ANIMALS)”.
Ans.) Normally issued on the same day the pet owners are advised to confirm prior appointment (7 days) with the concerned officer of AQCS either on mail / Telephone before visiting the office.
Ans.) Please referImport Export of Livestock and Livestock Products
Ans.) SIP is not required for all the products under AQCS. Please refer to Gazette Notification No. S.O. 2666 (E) Dated 16.10.2014 for further information.
Ans.) The testing time will vary depending on the type of test being conducted and normally results are communicated within 10 days.
Ans.) Please referImport Export of Livestock and Livestock Products
Ans.) A microchip is a small device for identification of animals and is inserted under the animal’s skin. These microchips are used by countries across the world and they do not affect the health of animals. These microchips are scanned by microchip scanners.
Ans.) Microchips can be implanted by any registered Veterinary practitioner under his/hercertification.
Ans.) No, AQCS NOC/clearance is issued free of cost.
NOTE! All Notifications, Rules, Orders and Procedures are subject to change any time. All decisions will be taken as per the applicable Notifications, Rules, Orders and Procedures at the time of actual filling of application.