Livestock and Livestock Products are imported as a baggage and cargo through Airport, Seaport, Rail route, Land route and ICDs. The said consignments are referred by the customs for Animal Quarantine Clearance in compliance to import Quarantine health rules of the Government of India. The consignments are examined along with the accompanied health certificates and other relevant papers and Risk analysis is conducted before allowing the entry into India.
In case the consignment is not fulfilling the health protocol laid down by Government of India then appropriate action is taken as per the rules in National Interest. The imported livestock are kept under quarantine for observation and testing as per the prescribed health protocol. The products are also checked and tested accordingly in compliance to the health protocol prescribed by Government of India.
In case the consignment is not fulfilling the health protocol laid down by Government of India then appropriate action is taken as per the rules in National Interest. The imported livestock are kept under quarantine for observation and testing as per the prescribed health protocol. The products are also checked and tested accordingly in compliance to the health protocol prescribed by Government of India.
- Prevent ingress of diseases including the exotics through imported livestock and livestock products.
- Only the health certificate issued by Central Ministry of Agriculture/Livestock/Quarantine is accepted (responsible for animal health in the country as per OIE Code (chapter 5.2, article 5.2.1 to 5.2.4).
Prevent ingress of diseases including the exotics through imported livestock and livestock products
1. Documents Required cum check list with Application Form for IMPORT OF LIVESTOCK (pet under baggage rule for owners -Dog/Cat upto 2 number) DOG and CAT (As per Custom Circular no.15/2013 dated 8.4.13)
Accompanied Baggage: Ticket of the owner.
Unaccompanied Baggage: Within1 month after arrival of owner- copy of Pass Port along with immigration stamp.
Requirement of advance Custom permission: For owners sending the pet more than 1 month after their arrival or before arrival.
For all above: Required- Visa copy/other document to establish continuous stay abroad for at least two years with proof of transferring the residence to India.In case of doubt/procedural requirement advance Custom Permission may be asked to consider the pet under Baggage rule. -
Dog: The official health certificate from the country of origin certifying that the dog is free from clinical sign and symptoms of all infectious and contagious diseases including Rabies, Canine Distemper, Parvo virus =infection, Leptospirosis etc.
Cat: The official health certificate from the country of origin certifying that the cat is free from clinical sign and symptoms of all infectious and contagious diseases including Rabies, Distemper, Feline enteritis, Feline panleukopenia, leptospirosis etc. - The dog (three months of age and older) and Cat must be vaccinated against Rabies more than one month, but within 12 months prior to actual embarkation and all details shall be officially certified or mentioned in the official Health certificate. Also all other vaccination record/detail shall be officially certified or mentioned in the official Health Certificate.
- The name of owner in the official health certificate must match with the name as mentioned in the ticket of owner to establish ownership.
- The name and address of the owner in the country of origin and in the country of arrival (import) must be mentioned on the health certificate.
- The declaration from the owner that the dog/cat is bonafide pet with no commercial interest, gift and breeding purpose.
- No additional feed, bedding etc. be allowed during the journey.
- Copy of airway bill/journey details of pet/Bill of entry with custom (If coming under cargo).
- Any other document if required during examination of application.
- Authorization letter if owner is not approaching directly.
The dog (three months of age and older) and Cat must be vaccinated against Rabies more than one month, but within 12 months prior to actual embarkation and all details shall be officially certified or mentioned in the official Health certificate. Also all other vaccination record/detail shall be officially certified or mentioned in the official Health Certificate.
Prevent ingress of diseases including the exotics through imported livestock and livestock products
2. Documents Required cum check list with Application Form for IMPORT OF LIVESTOCK (under DGFT Licence/ Sanitary Import Permit)- ALL LIVESTOCK EXCEPT PET (Dog/Cat upto two number with owner under baggage rule)
- Authorization letter if owner is not approaching directly.
- Copy of valid DGFT Licence/Sanitary Import Permit (SIP)
- Bill of entry with Custom reference.
- Official health certificate from the country of origin fulfilling all import health guidelines of India as per the Notification/supplied protocol with license or SIP/AQCS requirement as the case may be. The description of Livestock product shall be mentioned in health certificate/certified officially.
- Laboratory Reports (not mandatory in each case).
- The name and address of owner in the official health certificate must match with the Licence/SIP to establish ownership.
- No additional feed, bedding etc. be allowed during the journey without permission.
- Undertaking and declarations as per requirement.
- Copy of airway bill/journey details of animal.
- Any other document if required during examination of application.
- Original Health documents are mandatory on arrival for Provisional clearance.
- Authorization letter if owner is not approaching directly.
Advance NOC will be issued within 7 days of arrival based on the self certified advance copies of all above documents. Original Health certificate will be retained by AQCS at the time of Provisional Clearance on arrival. Final Clearance will be issued as per the applicable post import Quarantine rule/regulation.
3. Documents Required cum check list with Application Form for IMPORT OF LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS
- Copy of valid DGFT Licence/Sanitary Import Permit (SIP)
- Bill of entry with Custom reference.
- Official health certificate from the country of origin fulfilling all import health guidelines of India as per the Notification/supplied protocol with license or SIP/AQCS requirement as the case may be. The description of Livestock product shall be mentioned in health certificate/certified officially.
- Country of origin certificate.
- Laboratory Reports (if applicable).
- The name and address of consignor and consignee along with other details in the official health certificate must match with the Licence/SIP.
- Custom sealed samples/examination/sampling as the case may be.
- Undertaking and declarations as per requirement.
- Copy of airway bill/cargo details/invoice/packing list of consignment.
- Any other document if required during examination of application.
- Original Health documents are mandatory on arrival for Provisional Clearance/Final clearance/Testing/Examination as the case may be.
- Authorization letter if owner is not approaching directly.
All attached documents with the application must be self attested.
Sanitary Import Permit (SIP – issued for high risk products –list in notification no. SO 2666(E) dated 16.10.14)
Issued by Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying Fisheries for Livestock Products like:
- - Meat & Meat products of all types
- - Aquatic Products and Meat
- - Egg products
- - Milk products
- - Embryos, Ova, Semen
- - Pet foods.
- - Feathers, Pig Bristles
- - Serum
- - Bones & Horns Products
DGFT License
- Issued mainly for import of Livestock by Director General of Foreign Trade in consultation with Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries.
- All Livestock except pet under baggage (Dog & Cat) up to two numbers and livestock products (semen, embryos) are covered under DGFT License. Contains pre import and post import guidelines (checked by AQCS on arrival).
- Designated port: 6 (AIRPORT & SEA PORT) & their connected ICDs.
- Vishakhapatnam and Cochin- Fish products only.
- Patrapole land route (WB) - Fish only.
- Intimation (application) by the importer-DGFT/SIP
- Fulfillment of pre-import quarantine/sanitary requirements (As per the Official health protocol)-ISSUE OF ADVANCE NOC (FOR LIVESTOCK)
- Examination of OFFICIAL health documents, Inspection and sampling.
- Fulfillment of Post import protocol.
- Immediate, Provisional and on hold at port (as per risk analysis CONSIGNMENT WISE)
Non fulfillment of the Import health guidelines:
- Deportation/destruction as the case may be.
This programme envisages provision of an internationally acceptable certification service for the export of livestock & livestock product to other countries from India confirming to the health requirements of the importing country and the health regulations prescribed in the International Zoo Sanitary code of OIE.
- International Animal Health Certification: All over the world including EU.
- Prevent ingress of exotic diseases from one territory to another.
- Ensures quality & satisfaction of importing country as per their requirement.
- Export Health Certificates: As per International Certification Procedure of OIE, Terrestrial Animal Health Code (chapter 5.2, article 5.2.1 to 5.2.4).
- AQCS Veterinarians: OFFICIAL VETERINARIANS as per OIE code.
1.Documents Required cum check list with Application Form for EXPORT OF LIVESTOCK
- Copy of valid Import/Export Licence or Permit as the case may be. If no permit/licence is required than undertaking from the exporter/owner in this regard.
- Official health requirement/format of the importing country. If no prescribed health requirement/format than undertaking from the exporter/owner in this regard.
- Fulfilled health requirement of importing country including testing, treatment, vaccination etc. (if applicable).
- Self certified copies of present health documents including vaccination record of the animal.
- Undertaking and declarations as per requirement.
- Documents of origin, if applicable/asked.
- Copy of airway bill/journey details of animal.
- Any other document if required during examination of application.
- Authorization letter if owner is not approaching directly.
All attached documents with the application must be self attested.
Export Quarantine Certificate will be issued after physical examination/Quarantine observation of the animal as the case may be within 2-3 days before departure. If required the animal may be referred for detailed clinical examination including testing. If the animal is not healthy/fit Certificate will not be issued.
Export Quarantine Certificate will be issued after physical examination/Quarantine observation of the animal as the case may be within 2-3 days before departure. If required the animal may be referred for detailed clinical examination including testing. If the animal is not healthy/fit Certificate will not be issued.
NOTE: All livestock meant for export must be microchipped for better identification.
2.Documents Required cum check list with Application Form for EXPORT OF LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS
- Copy of valid Import/Export Licence or Permit as the case may be. If no permit/licence is required than undertaking from the exporter/owner in this regard.
- Official health requirement/format of the importing country. If no prescribed health requirement/format than undertaking from the exporter/owner in this regard.
- Fulfilled health requirement of importing country including testing, treatment, fumigation etc. (if applicable/asked).
- Registration certificate/Approvals of the exporting units.
- Undertaking and declarations as per requirement.
- Documents of origin of product, if applicable/asked.
- Copy of airway bill/Bill of lading/packing list/Invoice of the consignment.
- Certificate/information from the local Government authorities and others wherever applicable.
- Any other document if required during examination of application.
- Authorization letter if owner is not approaching directly.
All attached documents with the application must be self attested. All application must be registered on/before the Bill of lading date.
Certificate will be issued on or before the lading date.
- Export certification is very important and must be as per International Certification Procedure of OIE, Terrestrial Animal Health Code (chapter 5.2, article 5.2.1 to 5.2.4). As per the procedure the Official Veterinarian (AQCS) of the Veterinary Authority (DAHDF, MOA&FW) of the Exporting Country sign the export Health certificate.
Points considered (LS/LSP)
- OBJECTIVE: To prevent the spread and introduction of diseases in new territories. To prevent the complaints from importing countries ensures quality certification and pre shipment inspection as per the requirement of importing country.
- Consignment may act as carrier/vehicle for dangerous exotic diseases.
- May harbour dangerous micro-organisms due to delay in reference by the Customs, clearance/deportation.
- Not fit to use (adverse effect on animal/human health).
- Reason of re-import.
- Other products in the carrier.
- Loading/unloading en route.
- Shelf life of the product.
- Duration of stay in importing country.
- Place of holding in importing country.
- Health condition of the consignment.
- Fulfillment of pr-export requirements.
- Disease freedom status of importing country.
NOTE! All Notifications, Rules, Orders and Procedures are subject to change any time. All decisions will be taken as per the applicable Notifications, Rules, Orders and Procedures at the time of actual filling of application.